Technical Data
Builder | GM EMD, La Grange, IL |
Number | 18169 |
Date | April 1953 |
Type | GP7 |
Wheel Arrangement | B-B |
Power | Diesel-Electric |
Gross Weight | 123 tons |
Horsepower | 1500 |
- Built new as Western Pacific Railroad No. 713 (Dual-control cab)
- Retired January 1983, Salt Lake City, UT
- Donated to the PLA by the Western Pacific, January 1984
- Repainted in 2017 by PLA/NCRy in NCRy car shop.
- Received new main generator by PLA/NCRy 2019-2020.
- In service, Niles Canyon Railway, Sunol, CA

Photo by Chris Hauf – Used with permission

Take a 360 degree virtual tour of #713’s cab including its dual engineer control stands. Most diesel locomotives typically only have one control stand. #713 was built with two to allow the engineer to operate from either one. Click the VR logo to take the 360 panorama to full screen to explore even more. 360 photo by Chris Hauf – Used with permission

Photo by: Christopher Hauf – Used with permission.

Photo courtesy of Christopher Hauf – Used with permission