Building East – February

Our Build East Track Construction Crew was back out for its first Saturday work session in February which happened to coincide with the first day of the month. Alas it also coincided with an atmospheric river that was bringing rain to much of northern California, but still a lot of progress was made.

Our Build East Track Construction Crew was back out for its first Saturday work session in February which happened to coincide with the first day of the month. Alas it also coincided with an atmospheric river that was bringing rain to much of northern California. Still working through it, a lot of progress was made.

The early morning was somewhat dry allowing crews to remove their rain gear and get to work. Alas by the late morning and through the afternoon, the tides had turned to the damp and sometimes very damp. Still the crew was able to get a great amount of work done in the new section of track already placed between the bridge at Verona Road and the Castlewood Bridge. From replacing, plugging and installing new spikes to tie replacement and ballasting, all was done by the various volunteers throughout the day.

Here are some photos taken during the earlier morning portion of the work session.

All photos by: Chris Hauf – Used with permission

Our Build East Team will be back again the first Saturday of March. We always welcome new hands so please visit our website to learn more how you can help volunteer with us to Build East!