Our Build East track construction crew continues their monthly work to extend our Niles Canyon Railway track eastward toward the City of Pleasanton. Our track already extends several miles east of our Sunol depot and our crews are continuing to both relay new track along with hardening and surfacing currently installed track.
The crew typically volunteers the first Saturday of every month with some volunteers doing prep work (adding ballast, setting stakes, positioning materials, etc.) the Friday before. On November 5, 2022, the crew had a great day leveling, hardening and surfacing into the last long curve before the current end of track at Happy Valley Road Bridge. Here are a series of photographs from some of the work that took place that day.
For those who may be interested in this type of volunteering and lending a hand, the next work session is scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd. For more information on volunteering, please visit our Construction Department Volunteer page.
Photos by: C.R. Hauf – Used with permission